Friday, October 22, 2010

My place in Almeria

Finally, I've given my head a shake and taken pictures of my place so you guys can see where I live. You might say this is my first "phlog". It's photos from the apartment I share with Francisco and Antonio.

Our messy and tiny kitchen

The entry

The living room

The living/dining room

My new wheels

Our street

Our view to the left

Our balcony

Antonio's room

Our bathroom

Fran's room

My Room

Soon I'll put up some pictures of the city and of my school. I'm pretty happy with the flat, the only problem is that our tiny little kitchen gets used a lot between the three of us, and it gets really messy after one meal's worth of dishes, it's such a pain. But otherwise, it's a pretty sweet place!

1 comment:

  1. interesting decorations, you're right, but a nice place. nice view, too!

    and hey - your kitchen is SO much bigger than mine. mine's a square. and i realize i'm one person, but it's hard enough for ONE person to cook effectively in it due to lack of counter and pantry space. in fact, the kitchen set up is the only thing i dislike about my place :P

    (pics are in my roquetas album on fb if you're interested in seeing it)

